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Quote Builder

This is going to be a paragraph to explain what the quote builder will be. Functionaility of quote builder is: customers enter the page -> met with options for a gate such as colour, metal type, intercom type, finish and can look at existing gates. The customer can then choose this by clicking a button called "Add to Quote" once the customer has reached the end of all the gate options they have a chance to review before sending. No prices will be on this quote builder as prices vary.

Gate Option 1

Gate Option 2

Gate Option 3

Gate Option 4

Option 1

This is one option such as intercom type, there will be a small paragraph here with a small description which will also serve as a SEO paragraph. There will be images below which will lead to pages with more info on each intercom option. The customer will have the option to then click the add to quote button. 

Option 2

This is one option such as intercom type, there will be a small paragraph here with a small description which will also serve as a SEO paragraph. There will be images below which will lead to pages with more info on each intercom option. The customer will have the option to then click the add to quote button. 

- Review Your Quote -

Fill in Your Name To Submit Your Quote

Full Name
Phone Number
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